Szabina Csalari

Your spine and all of your joints were made for moving! They need walking, climbing the stairs, dynamic movements, jumping, rotations and carrying stuff.
Do you have lower back pain and/or shoulder, neck pain?
Do you have a sedentary job, are you living an inactive lifestyle or by any chance live an extremely stressful life?
Movement is going to be your best friend and your medicine!
Hi, I’m Szabina Csalári, personal trainer and preventive spine trainer with a modern approach. My passion and my mission is to help people fall in love with movement, sports, the gym, anything that they enjoy!
My love for an active lifestyle came out of nowhere, but I believe it happened with a very good reason. I was always a lazy girl who avoided PE class as much as she could. One day I had the chance to go to a gym with a friend and I immediately fell in love with the atmosphere. There is just something magical about finding a place where you don’t hate sports :D . Since that I had a lot of personal experiences, lifestyle rollercoasters with bad body image and a really bad mentality towards food.
I know how hard it is to fit so many new steps into your daily routine, it is not easy!
Luckily my hunger for knowledge and my passion for helping people got me to the point where I know what is important for a healthy lifestyle, enjoyable workout routine and a fit, functional body.
My purpose is to help you live pain free, and to teach you how to enjoy the journey. Both the gym and the nutrition journey. Trust me, it might take time but at your own tempo working out and food can quite easily fit into your schedule!
I would love it if you understood that moving your body is so important and how the “I can’t walk up the stairs, I guess it comes with age” approach DOES NOT come with age, and also to understand that food is fuel and you shouldn’t be afraid of calories and carbs. I can help you with meal prepping and calorie and macro coaching.
Email me if your goal is a healthy, active, adaptive, functional and strong body!
Email me if you’d like to get to a successful lifestyle in a sustainable and realistic way.
Feel free to email me if you have any musculoskeletal disease or chronic pain. Through a complex physical assessment I’ll check the issue, find the route cause of your pain and help you through it. If needed I’ll advise you of other professionals if my competencies don’t cover your needs.
The workouts planned by me are deeply focused on improving your quality of life and on functionality. You won’t have a problem with lifting up your child and carrying your groceries without getting extremely fatigued.
I believe You need to build a stable foundation, before building up the whole building.
•Personal trainer - IWI - International Fitness Institute
•Spine trainer (Sensorimotor posture correction and development of movements) - FMFA - Feövenyessy Medical Fitness Akadémia
•SMR in sport- and musculoskeletal rehabilitation - FMFA - Feövenyessy Medical Fitness Akadémia
To book an appoitment with me, send an email to requesting that you want to train with Szabina